2024 is 2/3 complete. With only 120 days remaining, I am making a list of things I want to achieve before it ends. The list will be dynamically maintained (I’ll strike through goals which I achieve)

  • Reach GM on CF
  • Get better at MO (I will replace this with a more concrete goal later when I have time)
  • Become somewhat proficient in cryptography (will replace this later too)
  • Reach ICPC WF (well, this will technically be determined next year, but all the preparation that will affect it will take place this year)
  • Get better at drawing
  • Get 90 on zetamac
  • Permanently fix depression, either through therapy or something else. Be happier in life.
  • Write atleast 4 good blogs on competitive programming related stuff (I am thinking about starting a problem solving series wherein I will explain solutions to hard problems involving a certain technique in every blog. Off the top of my head, I know I can write these blogs for block decomp and small to large merging right now)