Hello, I feel obliged to indicate what this site is going to be for in my first blog so I am going to do so. I intend to write some blogs on algorithms, competitive programming, personal stuff, maybe even some short stories. I might also write some blogs explaining the solutions of problems I took a particular liking to, such blogs will be lower in quality and higher in number. I should probably learn how “Jekyll” works. Bye for now.

Edit (29/07/2024): I (or rather chatgpt) implemented some code to separate the lower quality, higher frequency editorial blogs from the rest. All editorial blogs will have the tag “editorial”, and won’t be shown on the timeline on the home page. A link to them can be found in the header of the site.

Edit 2 (13/08/2024): I changed the structure again, now there will be three (somewhat) disjoint categories of blogs: algorithm blogs, editorial blogs, and others. There’s a button in the header leading to a corresponding page for each kind. ChatGPT is pretty based. Unfortunately, it doesn’t know how to modify the margins of the blogs :(